Internet Connection Down
POPP Provides a VoIP Phone System Backup 5G Wireless Internet Connection
A Free Service for Clients with a POPP Agreement
In today’s business world, everyone has experienced an internet outage of some kind.
No matter which internet provider you choose, you are susceptible to outages varying from carrier outages to physical cable cuts and more.
With today’s VoIP phone service, these internet outages affect your business’s ability to communicate with your team and customers.
POPP’s VoIP Phone System Backup Service is like a POPP-provided insurance policy, designed to provide peace of mind in the event you experience a prolonged internet outage (such as when your internet carrier estimates that it will take 5-7 days to repair). Within 24 hours, an experienced POPP technician will be dispatched to temporarily install a wireless 5G internet connection and re-route your business VoIP traffic so that your business phone communications can resume as normal while you await resolution/repair from your internet carrier. This strategy requires an adequate wireless 5G signal at your business office, which most Twin Cities area businesses have.
This service assurance plan provides POPP clients with a needed business continuity plan for their VoIP connectivity, at no additional charge.